Our Innovation Hubs
We offer access to cutting edge 5G mobile private networks, exclusively here in Scotland. Our hubs are located nationwide, providing an opportunity for public and private sectors, start-ups, entrepreneurs and academic researchers to test new 5G enabled products, services and solutions. This is a unique opportunity for businesses to work with leading industry experts and explore how a 5G network could support your digital transformation journey.
Use Cases
Tay 5G Project
The Scotland 5G Centre (S5GC) is a partner of the Tay5G Innovation Challenge. As a purpose built 5G testbed location invested in the region, and at the heart of the technological innovation ecosystem, S5GC supports research and development on enabling technologies for applications where 5G connectivity plays a key role in transforming key industries. We will be supporting the winners alongside the process in this unique opportunity the region is offering.
Other S5GC Projects
5G Whisky Distillery Report
The Scotland 5G Centre commissioned Jacobs to explore the potential use of 5G in whisky distilleries. Based on desk research and engagement with a distillery in central Scotland, this report presents the potential opportunities for 5G technology in the whisky sector, considering use cases and impacts across 4 key themes: Health and Safety, Cask Management, Site Management and Maintenance, and Security.
Understanding 5G
Spectrum Licence Guide
For guidance on how to apply for an Ofcom Spectrum Licence, check out our handbook here.
Recent News
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