Senior Indian Government delegation, led by Dr. Neeraj Mittal (Secretary Telecom), visited the Scotland 5G Centre
On Thursday, 20th February, The Scotland 5G Centre hosted a visit to the University of Strathclyde from a senior Indian Government delegation, led by Dr. Neeraj Mittal, Secretary, Department of Telecommunications ( DOT ), Government of India.
The Scotland 5G Centre’s Executive Team Ian Sharp and Arthur Smith, with Bob Stewart, Professor at Strathclyde University’s Electronic & Electrical Engineering Department and Director of StrathSDR, welcomed the delegation to the Technology and Innovation Centre.
The discussions provided valuable insights into the work the Centre is involved in and its benefits to Scotland, in addition to the impressive range of activity currently underway across the University, such as Glasgow City Innovation District programme and the University’s growing relationships with India’s academic community. Prof. Stewart also gave an overview of the University’s exciting work in Advanced Wireless Communications (AMC) research and demonstrated novel applications of AWC in broadcasting.
The meeting also explored new opportunities through the development of new International collaborations with the University, as well as reinforcing existing international ties in research and teaching.