S5GC Projects: Infralink
Taking a national approach to mobile connectivity.
The key aim of this project is to break down the complex processes and legislative barriers that have delayed the rollout of 4G and 5G infrastructure, by creating a new suite of tools that are balanced, transparent and work at a national level. They are creating an impact in Scotland by eliminating barriers and enabling faster deployment and more investment in mobile connectivity.
S5GC Investment: Over £390k
Infralink Toolkit
It’s recognised that improving mobile digital connectivity across Scotland will benefit everyone, but agreeing on where digital infrastructure should and can go, is a complicated process requiring a partnership between public bodies, mobile network operators and the community. This project, funded by The Scotland 5G Centre, offers a credible option to current practice by establishing tools that are balanced and transparent and work at a national level. The tools build off existing operating leases, valuations, case-law and data, so that they work in the real world.

Infralink-Exchange Playbook
The Infralink-Exchange Playbook is a ‘how-to’ guide allowing public sector bodies to begin a project that improves mobile connectivity through commercial and GIS based transformation. This best practice guide including case studies, templates and points to note, is a key output for the Infralink-Exchange Programme, a DCMS-funded project, with support from The Scotland 5G Centre. Visit their webpages to learn more.